La salud mental de primera respuesta recibe $ 12 millones en Florida

There’s a “suck it up and get on the truck” mentality among firefighters. Dustin Hawkins, a firefighter, said it is challenging to talk about emotions when you come from a law enforcement family. Having spent 30 years in law enforcement, I just now managed to coax my father into that ‘snuggle with the struggle.’ I have to tackle the man to hug him.”
As of today, mental health assistance is being provided to Florida’s first responders, to the tune of $12 million. “People face challenges when it comes to psychological resilience,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.
Embed from Getty ImagesIn a roundtable earlier today, Florida’s first lady Casey DeSantis announced $12 million in funding to expand peer-to-peer mental health services through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to support existing prevention and intervention services for first responders and their families.
The first lady said, “We’ve been committed to making sure you have the aid you need, and we will continue to do so.” Shevaun Harris, DCF secretary, explained how the funds would be allocated. “We will use the $12 million to launch a competitive procurement process aimed at expanding access to critical mental health resources,” Harris said. This includes crisis lines, peer support, and on-the-scene counselors.